Monday, July 25, 2011

That time I met Sarah Dessen while on vacation

Wow, my blog updating has been a little lax lately, huh? Mostly because I'm lost in the world of roller derby and first drafts, and also because I actually got to take a REAL. LIVE. VACATION. last week, one that didn't involve traveling for derby or visiting family. We loaded the dog up in the car and headed down to Cape Cod on Thursday and Friday. We played it fast and loose, finding a hotel in Provincetown after we got there, discovering an amazing restaurant in Wellfleet, and then spending Friday morning/afternoon at Nauset Light Beach.

While I was there, I noticed that Sarah Dessen was ALSO on vacation in Cape Cod, and had planned a signing at Eight Cousins Bookstore in Falmouth for Friday afternoon. YES! I had to go, of course.

The shop was small and adorable, and PACKED with fans. This was my first ever book signing (I know, can you believe it?), and I was actually kind of nervous. The nerves stemmed from any number of reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Sarah Dessen is my favorite YA author, and discovering her books back in 2006 is what got me to finally write my own YA.
  • I was the oldest person in the shop who wasn't someone's mom. Seriously, Adam sat outside with the dog, and he kept texting me things like, "The tweens just keep pouring in!"
  • While I waited for it all to start, I kept running over and over in my mind possible things I could say to her that didn't make me sound like a crazy person or a dork.
I bought a copy of Along for the Ride (because after I read it, I sent it to my sister, Claire), and also bought a copy of What Happened to Goodbye for my sister. I had also brought along my copy of The Truth About Forever, because it's my absoute most favorite of all her books, and I definitely wanted to get it signed.

Sarah read from the first chapter of What Happened to Goodbye, and then answered a few questions. I loved that she admitted how hard writing can be, and how many times she's failed at it before getting to one of the beautiful books that got published. I love that even her tenth book was a struggle, because having read the finished product, I know that even the worst writing experiences can render the best results.

And then it was time for the signing. I was really close to the front of the line, which was good, because I didn't have too much time to over think what I wanted to say. And then after only a few minutes, I was standing right in front of her. And OH. MY. GOD. I was nervous ... I handed her my books, told her what to sign, and then I took a deep breath and just burst.

"I just want to tell you that I have my first YA coming out next year, and you were a huge inspiration to me during the whole process and I just love your books and thank you!" And I think I was grinning like a crazy person the whole time.

But instead of being creeped out or annoyed, Sarah thanked me and sincerely congratulated me and then asked for the title and publisher of my book. And then she welcomed me to the YA community. Sarah Dessen. Welcomed ME to the YA Community.

And then my brain caved in.

She seriously couldn't have nicer to me. It's pretty awesome to meet your idol and find out she's just as amazing as you imagined! I hope I have even HALF her career, and am always as kind and generous to my readers as she is to hers.

I got a picture with her, where I'm pretty sure I have that crazy person grin happening again. I was trying not to take up too much of her time, or seem like I was trying to push my own book or anything, but it might possibly have looked like I was running for the door. I wasn't Sarah, I was just too nervous to act like anything that resembled cool!

Either way, a totally successful author signing, and I will definitely be going to many more!

Now before I head back to the mighty mighty first draft of Book #2, here's a few more pictures from my fabulous whirlwind Cape Cod vacation.

Lucy in Provincetown, watching the world go by

The Provincelands 

Lucy chilling on the beach

Lucy after her swim in the Atlantic!

The perfect Cape Cod lunch

It may have been a scorcher in Boston, but it was
a lovely 85 degrees and breezy on the Cape!