Monday, July 18, 2011

Catching Up

My plea for writer friends worked! I've got a couple volunteers to trade pages, and in fact, by the end of today the fabulous Tori Scott is going to be on the receiving end of the very first pages of #thebeach (the working title/hashtag for my new YA). Tori is already an awesome cheerleader/drill sergeant, and on top of that I get to read pages from her super awesome YA work in progress (it's not my place to share, but I'll just tell you that that main character is like a teenage Dexter Morgan ... I'm hooked). Tori read the first three chapters of Meant to Be, and she sent me the nicest note afterwards. I think this is the start of a fantastic partnership!

I haven't done any kind of roller derby update in while. Last weekend my team had a bout again the Cosmonaughties, and we won! It was really fun, and I played well. Here's a few awesome shots from the game by the talented Joe Medolo.

My semi-signature lunge/lean. I'm not a big girl, but I've got wicked long legs. Derby is a great sport for teaching you how to appreciate and use the body you've got.

I don't usually jam, so when I do there's always something silly that happens ... like I go sliding into the VIP seats after calling it off!

Love seeing the teamwork amongst the Pissahs. Look how we're all reaching for each other while we try to block Splitter Noggin!

Blocking Space Invader, with what I hope isn't an illegal elbow!

I really really REALLY love this picture of me yelling across the track ... the consensus seems to be that I should use it as my new author photo. Not sure how my mom would feel about my headshot being of me wearing booty shorts ... actually, I do know how she'd feel. She'd prefer I had a nice haircut and a sweater and was smiling at the camera just like in my senior portraits!

This coming weekend I'm off to New York, where my Pissahs will be taking on the Manhattan Mayhem of Gotham Girls Roller Derby. It's going to be a really great game. Tickets are available online, so if you live in NYC and haven't seen derby, this is a great chance! And if you come, please oh please come high five me on the track after the game!

Alrighty, back to work. And by work, I mean going over these pages I'm about to send to Tori. I get so nervous when I have to send work off, which is funny, because the WHOLE POINT of this is for people to read it!