I've been working on my shiny new roller derby project as part of 30 Days of Creativity. I had a pretty concrete outline/plot idea, but then on Thursday, I sat down at my desk with a notebook and started writing. The next thing I knew, my plot had changed entirely. Oh don't worry, there's still roller derby. But the background and setting changed, and I am so so excited about this new direction. Sometimes a notebook and a pen is the best thing for a writer (though I still bow down to the power of my two Apple computers... and I'm still lusting after a snazzy lil MacBook Air to tote around and write on the go).
And now, for something entirely different ...
Bones! Nope, never watched it before. I think I might have caught an episode or two when it was on after something else, but I'd never really been aware of it. I noticed that a lot of my YA Twitter friends were pretty into it, so I decided to give it a whirl. And I am SO. SUCKED. IN. It could have a little something to do with this guy:
Oh Agent Seeley Booth, you are a dreamy one, aren't you? Of course, I'm into season 2 now, and for any Bones watchers out there, you'll get why my loyalties are now a little torn between Booth and this guy:
Hodgins in smart AND sexy, while still being sort of prickly and a bit of a jerk. But that only makes the moments when he's, ya know, sweet, that much better. I think at the moment, I'm Team Hodgins.
What's awesome in your world this week?