Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some days are good author days

Like yesterday! Yesterday was a great author day, and it actually involved very little writing.

First thing's first: My shiny new project is really unfolding in my mind. While walking down the street I just start composing scenes in my mind, and I have to rush to get them written down before they're gone. It's really incredible how that happens, isn't it? I'm hoping to burn through a first draft before the end of the summer.

But on top of that, on Monday I got an email from Ms. Lauren Oliver letting me know that Meant to Be had been sent off to Random House and Wendy Loggia (my super amazing OMG she reads my work WHAT?! editor) now had it in her hands. Of course, the only thing to do at that point is take a picture of your sheer joy and email it back as a response. So that's what I did.

The best part is that Lauren threw the picture up on Paper Lantern Lit's blog with a super nice note about the light at the end of the tunnel (seriously, if you have a work in progress, you should read it).

So then what? Well, then I went and joined the Apocalypises! They're an awesome group of YA and kidlit authors with debut novels coming out in 2012 ... and I'm one of them! I've already gotten a really warm welcome from them and can't wait to get to know them better and read all their books. What a great club to be in!

You can add them to the 15 bajillion reasons why I love wading into the YA community ... because it really is a community. Everyone is out to support one another and see others be successful. It's part of the reason that that pesky article that shall not be named or linked to (you know what I'm talking about) blew up so quickly. You don't mess with any member of the YA community, much less the entire genre, without drawing the ire of just about everyone involved. 

So yeah, yesterday was just a day that made me really excited to be a soon-to-be-published author. I hate to be cheesy, but dreams really do come true, and it's even better than you ever imagined. *sob*