Born Wicked cover reveal!
Fellow Apocalypsie Jessica Spotswood revealed her cover for Born Wicked yesterday. Isn't it GORGEOUS?! I love the sharpness of the colors. The flowers really pop, and her eyes ... wow. I would definitely pick this up off the shelf based on the cover alone. But then you flip it over and find this:
Cate Cahill and her sisters are considered eccentric bluestockings—a little odd, a little unfashionable, and far too educated for their own good. The truth is more complicated; they’re witches. And if their secret is discovered by the priests of the Brotherhood, it could mean an asylum, a prison ship—or an early grave. Before their mother died, she entrusted Cate with keeping them safe and keeping everyone, including their father, in the dark about their powers. When her father employs a governess and Cate begins to receive notes from her missing, presumed-mad godmother, her task becomes much more difficult. As Cate searches for answers in banned books and rebellious new friends, she must juggle unwanted proposals, tea parties, and an illicit attraction to the new gardener. Cate will do anything to protect her sisters, but at what cost to herself?I'm not a huge historical fiction fan (unless it's post-WWII ... speaking of, where is all the post-WWII historical fiction???), but this sounds awesome. It's on my TBR list for sure.
So You Think You Can Dance
So You Think You Can Dance is BACK! Auditions are over and now it's time for the real deal. Last night was fun, but I was definitely all over the Travis Wall statue number ... seriously, gorgeous. Melanie was one of my favorites from the get-go (even though she didn't get a lot of play during auditions), but she and Marko together are definitely my favorite couple.
And yes, I'm a giant SYTYCD nerd...
The Drive-In!
(and ohmygodchilicheesefries!)
It's summertime, and for me that means trips to the drive-in! They're not just nostalgia anymore ... check out this list and see if there's a drive-in in your area. Even if you have to travel a few miles, it's totally worth it. There's just something so exciting about sitting in your car (or on a blanket on the ground or in the back of your truck) watching a movie. You can bring a picnic, you can bring your dog, most drive-ins show double features, and the prices are really good! My local drive-in, The Mendon Drive-In, charges $20 per car (regardless of how many people are in it) for a double feature. Even if it's just you and a date, that's $10 each for two new movies! We saw the new X Men there last week, and I got to take my dog along. Also, Mendon has a KILLER snack bar that features AH-MAZING chili cheese fries ...
Lucy loves the drive-in, but that might have
a lot to do with the fact that I share my
chili cheese fries with her...