Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Things That Are Awesome Dot Com

Don't forget, today's the last day to enter to win a copy of Sarah Dessen's 
What Happened to Goodbye! Just leave a comment here and you're entered

"30 Days of Creativity is a social initiative encouraging 
people to create stuff (anything) every day for 30 days in June." 
30 Days of Creativity

I stumbled across the site for 30 Days of Creativity just in the nick of time! I definitely think I'm going to use it to get some work done on my shiny new project. Create a scene a day? Heck yes, I can do that! Their site is really, really cool, so go check it out and join in on the fun. You can also catch them on twitter @createstuff and by tracking the #thirtydaysofcreativity tag. I love their inspiration calendar and am looking forward to incorporating that when I get stuck (because it will DEFINITELY happen). Basically, I'm using 30DoC as a mini-NaNoWriMo, just without a word count requirement. All I have to do is create one scene per day. I can definitely handle that. If you decide to participate in 30 Days of Creativity (or even just jump in randomly!) comment and let me know!

 Hand carved iPhone cover from SigniCASE

Speaking of creativity, how awesome is this carved wood iPhone case? It popped up on my Google reader, and you can buy it on Etsy here! There are a ton of really cool cases, but this one is by far my favorite. And for a handmade item, $37.99 really isn't bad. Hmmm.... maybe I've found what I'll spend my roulette winnings on!

My world of television has really slowed down. My favorite shows (Parks and Rec!) have all gone on summer hiatus, and other than working my way through Bones on Netflix, it's a dry season for me. Unless you count the debut of my all-time favorite reality show, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! I've watched every season of this show and have just been in awe of the performances. There were a couple lagging seasons there for a while, but last season really brought it. I mean, last year brought us the best hip hop routine um EVER (boo to not being able to embed it, YouTube!). I already set my Tivo, and will probably be doing some nerdy reality TV blogging ...

Don't forget, today's the last day to enter to win a copy of Sarah Dessen's 
What Happened to Goodbye! Just leave a comment here and you're entered