Dash & Lily's Book of Dares
by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
This is third of Cohn & Levithan's books I've read, and it was by far my favorite. Naomi & Ely's No Kiss List was good, and their flagship Nick & Nora's Infitie Playlist was just ok (though my opinion is probably tainted by that disgusting vomiting scene from the movie that is NOT IN THE BOOK and I don't get why the director decided the movie needed VOMITING). There were so many moments where I would laugh out loud, and it's the first book I've read on my Kindle that has inspired me to the use the "highlight" feature. Like this:
"You see, Dash -- I never was the girl in your head. And you were never the boy in my head. I think we both knew that. It's only when we try to make the girl or boy in our head real that the true trouble comes. I did that with Carlos, and it was a bad failure. Be careful what you're doing, because no one is ever who you want them to be. And the less you really know them, the more likely you are to confuse them with the girl or boy in your head."
Um, ok. Yes. Thank you, David Levithan, for reaching into my brain and pulling out my innermost thoughts and feelings. I feel like Dash and Lily is just waiting to made into a fun holiday movie, and I will definitely be in line to see it.
The Killing on AMC
About a year ago, I ditched cable. Not for any kind of noble, "oh but I don't watch television" kind of reason. It was more that I went part-time at work so I could have more time to write, and found that things like cable didn't fit into my new writer's budget. Plus, everything I watch (Parks and Rec, Parenthood, *ahem* The Bachelor) are all online for free. When I saw people on Tumblr all abuzz about The Killing, for the first time in a year I was actually bummed not to have cable. Well color me happy when I saw that the first two episodes are available for free download on iTunes. Which means now I'm hooked. Who killed Rose Larsen? Was it that politician guy? And what's with the creepy copy? And isn't that Warren from Empire Records? And OMG Rosie's dad is going to make me cry again! I might actually purchase new episodes from iTunes each week, because I. HAVE. TO. KNOW.
OhRyanKelley, who I follow on Tumblr because he's a fellow Bostonian and kind of hilarious, is the new muckety muck over at Swap.com. After seeing posts and tweets, I decided to give it a whirl. For only $3 in shipping costs, I was able to trade a book I had for a book I wanted. A few clicks on the internet and it appeared in my mailbox a few days later! I can't wait to see what else I can get (they're only set up for books, movies, and video games, so don't get any crazy ideas). I'm hoping for a copy of Whip It (as a derby girl, I feel like I need to own it, but also as a derby girl, I'm not totally down with shelling out the money to buy it...).