First and foremost, the winner of the ARC of Sara Zarr's How to Save A Life is ....
Joni T!
And in other winner news, I was the lucky winner of one of Carrie Harris's Night of the Giving Dead auctions! With my winning bid (going to the University of Michigan Children's Hospital), I am the lucky winner of a 30 minute phone call with awesome agent Michelle Wolfson. I know! Lucky lucky Lauren!
For those that don't know, Michelle is a total rockstar agent who represents Kiersten White (um, hello NYT Bestseller list ... twice?!) and fellow Apocalypsie Kimberly Sabatini, whose book Touching the Surface will be released by Simon Pulse in Fall 2012!
So now, on top of my revisions, I need to spend my weekend brainstorming some super awesome questions to ask her. I want to get the skinny, folks. So I'm turning to you, loyal blog readers and Twitter friends. What would you ask if you had the ear of a supah stah (like my Boston accent?) agent like Michelle? Leave your questions in the comments!
Check out Michelle's Agent Spotlight on Casey McCormick's blog for more info on her career.