The blues on this cover are even more gorgeous than you can imagine, so even before I've cracked the spine, I'm giving it an A+ for cover judging. I'm pretty excited to read it. It's jumping to the top of my TBR stack, as soon as I finish Hold Me Closer Necromancer by Lish McBride (the September Forever YA Book Club book) and my e-galley of Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard (yes, I'm reading two books at once ... it's pretty much how I roll these days).
Also out today is Sweetly by Jackson Pearce. It's a follow-up to Sisters Red, and again, holy cover jealousy! So gorgeous.
And for those that have been hiding under a rock today (or, you know, avoiding Twitter), you may not know that Jackson is celebrating her release day with an incredible heap of giveaways! Just tweet with the #Sweetly hashtag, and you're entered! Easy peasy.
As for me? Final revisions of Meant to Be are in! I'm meeting with Wendy, my editor, soon, and she promised to introduce me to the designer who's working on my cover. *DIES* I'm back to working on Monument Beach (working title, will come up with something snazzier later) again. Last night I read and revised the 10,000 words I wrote before MTB revisions came in. It helped me get back on track with where I was, and now I'm super psyched to get writing again. Mostly because I'm about to introduce lover boy #1 to my main character. I've also been watching A LOT of Gilmore Girls, because my goal for this one is to achieve snarky dialogue with a high level of wit and lots of heart. I was in deep like with this project before, but I'm about to upgrade it to passionate love...
Le sigh.... Jess 4EVA